
I am naturally avoiding the crutches I’ve used in the past. I am discovering strengths and passions I’ve hidden in my heart.
I have had enough sheltering myself out of fear. I am glad that I feel more secure expressing myself to you. I no longer need to hash and rehash past concerns thinking about you.
I’ve been a sweetheart since day one firing affection and flattery at people who didn’t even want it. We will win fighting side by side.
Communicating hurts is the definition of vulnerability. They no longer drag me down. Patience is all I can ask for as I tiptoe through the tulips happier than ever! I’d cry if I stepped on your toes dancing on our wedding night. I’ll tell you that much! “You are going to be mine” is what you tell me and that feels nice.

I’m making executive decisions. I kick people who obstruct justice in the shins as I pass them, honey!

You are woman! I am your man. We’ve never been so happy is what we tell each other morning and night. Shhh.. don’t jinx it, this is just the start!

1 comment

  • Stephen Wayne Keech

    Very good post, who is the lady in the pic?

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