Dear Princess, Prince Charming here!


Hey MissileFoot and LavaGirl, you are both front and center today!

MF, I’m not going to tell you not to worry about it because I am still waking up feeling I need to distract myself from falling into that booby-trap but good on you for keeping this morning civil, NARK.

LG, honey, stay out there. I still doubt I could handle your triple digit temps.  You are so hot and dangerous looking to me. 

^ identifying and addressing stressors, AND moving on with my day, sounds pretty nice to me. 

Thanks for listening, letting that go and realizing pushback anymore gets you tomorrow’s output forecasted perfectly. 

It’s gonna be the same as it was today, light and acceptable as long as you keep your lips tight. 

Now, please let it go and accept me letting you go is a self care mechanism I’m using to move forward only to pick up speed!