CBCC – coin-based Confidence Coaching


Please!  Do not take offense to me expressing myself, and what “bothers” me.  Thanks!
Our whole lives we are taught to love every person, and work to create a lifestyle we can enjoy with that one special person/ those special people.

This month reminded me I get bullied out of doing my best at both tasks.  I will avoid touching the “love” subject to avoid confrontation.  I am scared of pushback here!

Lol, I call THAT suppression and the fact that I get penalized for wanting to earn and working my ass of to earn a livable income/ build a future for a potential wife a RIOT.

This past month things went great for me.  Just being afraid to share that success, and joy with the world is a shame.  (I get bullied out of working even harder to create a great life for a Mrs. and supporting myself financially)

Ma’am!  Stand up for your man!  I’ll retract ery’thing if I’m threatened with services and benefits being cut.  I hope you see that and hurry up, get on one knee and propose to me!  I’d hate to push you, an independent life and blessings away.  If you love something let it go, right!?
Bye financial freedom!
Bye cutest girl around!
Bye independence!

I’m sorry Lord, I’m not allowed to be a man.  Might as well change my ID to read “THE man” and indirectly seek more heat.