The Literary Mindset


I sincerely hope approaching you seems risk-free and I know how to get ahold of you..
I hope I learn how to suit your fancy, “bruh.” I don’t want to get in trouble for adoring you and working to flatter only you.
That’s my deepest wish! Deez girls irl looking for pictures of my ID and card make me laugh. I’m a gentleman, but I’m a smart gentleman. Locked up in a cell. Keep trolling, push and stop dwelling. Don’t prioritize seeing my info, my money or ur other guy friends over me. Got it!?
I want to hail the ground you walk on and kiss the soles of your feet. I want to be deeply invested in the results I see.

Kyle & Lizzy, “just friends”

Real life gets to me sometimes. Bet, this mop be wet af and spiraling out of control everytime I swing it. I bring it. The bell at the top of the 30 ft wall, I ring it. I show my king credentials and get escorted to the front of the line, every single time.

Me pushing you hard means I like you.