Calmness?  THIS is calmness?

Measured beats in my heart.  Peaceful rhythm and tempo feels warranted.  Riddles, I am not mastered in solving, NOT swirling around in my head..  This feels nice.  Sure, I will smile poking this emberred log with a poker and hope a nearby leaf or tattered piece of yarm lights aflame.  I will do that until the day my eyes close for a final time.  I’m a cowboy baby, so why don’t you kill me?

Hopefuls, stay beautiful and breathing, I’m certain to be by your hoedung town in the coming months.  Stay ready.  Gather a watering pail, see that my steed knows where to drink.  I will show off my slingshot skills to the locals.  I will nap under thy blueberry bush.  I will rehydrate far too long.  Have the children gather.

I will leave a handkerchief behind to warrant my return.  A week full of pre-arranged dates I can choose a future Mrs. from will be appreciated.   Monday’s are always saved for Mary, Monday evening’s, Rachel, Tuesday’s for Both Amber and Ann, Wednesday, Wendy and Jeans, Thursday, Trudy and Friday will remain reserved for my fist full of flashbacks.

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