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The Pecking Order
“Cherry,” you still have a complete monopoly on my entire life.
We are different kinds of animals.  You are still out of bounds.  If I could move in silence more gracefully, I would move to exterminate those who still instill caution in me. 
Today’s metacognition will be apparent in my reflections.  We could STILL have it all.  We could still decide to follow original passions and bloom in a room that does not look like a tomb.  We could zoom eye contact, watch each other’s mouths over-pronounce the 3 syllable refrain we imagine whispering to each other.

I have a busy day.  I hope massaging my tone back is something you crave.  I’ll pave this track out in the open today.  I’ll purse my lips and snap a pic to save.  I want to be known for taking charge, brushing off threats, being Hercules, not misstepping and planting my seed in this pot of soil.  I want to be able to paint portraits, design floral arrangements and breath without being accused of low-energy dwelling.

I am set to meet with a queen today and that’s all I have to say about that.  I’m back to racking trophies, stacking cheddar cheese and showing these queens what it means to be considered treats.


  • Jeremi Holley

    Hallelujah. Just what the doctor ordered!

  • I think you’re a genius I think you’ve been born with more than the amount of normal genes I guess I’m stupid so I don’t know where you got that from probably from your father cuz he has an enormous amount of brains I love you Kyle

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