Do Some Writing This Morning, Kyle!  

Well..  Alas we have it, a new week to annihilate expectations, stats and perceived limitations.  Get up that eighth time!!!  Fall short, lean in, trust God.  Appreciate grace, growth and dreams.
If you can dream it, you can achieve it.  Take risks, keep pushing and overcome.

My schedule this week is already leaving blisters on my hands.  Gym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and MOST LIKELY Friday too.  I will be putting my legs through the meatgrinder today, walking on the treadmill tomorrow, actually meeting with a PT Wednesday, taking advantage of my ability to get a ride to the gym Thursday and focusing on my breathing pushing the limits Friday.

This is called BEING IN MY LANE.  Get in YOUR LANE this week!  PUSH YOURSELF!  Bits and pieces of progress added together reveal a glorious path to satisfaction.  Take life being a marathon, wholeheartedly.  Actually breathe through setbacks.  Come back harder, faster and in better shape than ever before.  Set an unshakeable foundation.  Build on that foundation, day in and day out.  Lend an ear to criticism.  Take it constructively.  Focus.

Be okay with being called obsessed.  Welcome that.  Be obsessed with making moves, making progress, connecting the dots and showing others how it’s done.  Tell ‘em to bring the heat!  Be a resource.  Add when you can, redirect as needed, and feed off mutual ascension.  REMAIN HUNGRY.  Build bridges, journey the courses, transcend elevations.  Good luck!

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  • Steve Keech

    Ok I like this

  • P I read what you write every single time you send me an email I read it sometimes I don’t understand it but I read it okay

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