Dear Captive Audience,

Hi!  How are you?  It’s me, your favorite athlete!  Go ahead, I’ll answer to Captain, Mr. America, undiscovered talent, futuristic Shakespeare, Kyle and / or Mr. Keech.  I’m working on two devices today.  I got kik, the streaming app livestreaming up on my phone and I’m cataloging/ blogging my stream of consciousness on my laptop.  It’s working for me!

I want to deliver the best that I can, that if it works for you, do it.  We’re all perfectly imperfect.  I started this draft yesterday after therapy.  Towards the end of our session, we chatted again about my efforts to and hopes to impact the lives of fellow trauma survivors.  It gets a bit repetitive harping on my strategies to succeed, but consistency and dedication to your goals is what life is about.  “Dream big, step small.”  (Eddie P.)


Go ahead, sit on the floor, get comfortable.  Long sit with your legs out in front of you, stretch those hamstrings.  Align your efforts with the visions and dreams only you see in your head.  I encourage you to find something that brings you peace of mind.  Let that be your refuge.  Become self-reliant and your own temple.  See yourself as an incinerator.  Your only responsibility, for the moment, is to heat up and breathe fire in a skyward direction.


Choose your own path entering the forest.  There are trees, rocks, boulders and natural walking paths full of hoof marks everywhere.  Choose your path wisely.  Some are obstacle free, some are downright treacherous.  A path nearest a watering hole may be a wise selection if hydration is paramount for you at this time in your life.  Don’t mind me carrying a blow up raft with me in my backpack anticipating inflating it and voyaging down stream in a lazy river.


Enough aimless words meant to comfort, Kyle.  As always, offer hints and tactics to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.  Explain that all those fun-loving moments of bliss really ought to come after the bulk of the heavy lifting is done.


Do not let me interrupt your quiet breathing.  When you’re ready to set yourself up for a life of simple tasks adding up to conditions better than you could ever imagine, hit me up!  1.

1 comment

  • You’re also my favorite athlete besides being my favorite grandson

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