Good Morning, “Scarlet Rose,” “Little Flower,” “Noisy Snoozer,”

I’m glad you are so open to the multitude of nicknames and creative hijinks I use to mask my nervousness and fright!  Now, this, I’m forecasting, will open the skies up to torrential downpours, sunny days and glimmers of an array of magnificent colors.  I’m rather excited for that!
To think this all came about WITHOUT the anticipated influx of rain dances and voodoo once felt needed completely blows my mind.  There are quite a few budding sprouts emerging from this plot of watered, and nurtured soil.  You get 99% of all my caretaking energy.  I hope you cherish that energy.  Mouth the words, “I do, Kyle.”  Start rehearsing that three word response to yourself.
Make it a mantra you embody morning, noon and night.  Practice pursing you lips too.  That’s what I’ve been doing since the day we met.  I’ll leave it up to you to coat our kisses with flavored LipSmackers.  “Yummmm!”

This is exactly the kind of output I excel in writing.  It feels like spanning highrises on a tightrope to me.  I would army crawl that journey if I could.  Stay close to the ground, Kyle!  Pick your head up!  Don’t look down!  Whisper those kinds of things to me if you can please.  Supply me with everlasting assurance.  Be cute,  Communicate how you feel.  Tell me not to worry about anything, please.

I avoid situations that leave me guessing and frightened.  Don’t say I didn’t tell you.  I dream of Jeanie pretty much.  One wink of her eyes and we’d be on a honeymoon cruise destined for Jamaica.   I’ll run away scared if I can’t get your hand in mine.  All I do is try.  I don’t like admitting that most of my efforts hardly ever hit the bullseye.  

Duck, duck, goose!  Let’s make a truce.  Advocate your hopes clearly and I’ll always be close in heart.  I may test ya til I know I can push against ya hard.  Expect that, mama!  I’ve been through enough trauma that it leaves me full of doubts.  I’m sorry!  I’m looking forward to not feeling alone in the wild, child! 

Don’t mind me sharpening my blade on several rocks and stones.  It’s all done to better prepare myself for child-rearing and bridge-building.  Making sure I feel safe and settled will help us both get ahead.  I need a steady Betty.  Rub bells or ring in the win, hun.  Pick up on and acknowledge the cuteness I subliminal include with my pen.  Type out that you love me and hit send.

Pending harassment and charges showing my heart leaves me dead.  I run laps around traps.  I want to live and be encouraged to flourish.  Poetry, noble actions and not hiding secures my lovingness and helps me feel ready to take another step.  Keep it grooving!

– KyleKeech


  • It’s amber, I pray you get this 😘❤️

  • Hey Kyle this was very very interesting a really a masterpiece I told you you should write a book I really enjoyed it it’s one of the ones I really enjoyed I love you

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