Please Up Your Game!

Wow, Babe,  (08/18/2021)

It is entirely too early for you to be up.  I JUST got out of bed.  I avoided dwelling this morning by simply reminding myself none of these people are on the same frequency as me.  #Shouldersclean

Now..  I take care of mostly everything within reach!   (Dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s)  I hope one day that’s you.  Staying mindful is encouraged.
Stay comfy in bed!  Let me deal with these loud AF individuals.  I’d rub your feet if I were there, trust me.

Thanks for seeing me through my “hiccups!”  I’ll be sponsoring our lifestyle on my own, soon.  Then…  I suggest we make a run for it!  I could see us dressing as Dick and Jane, stealing company secrets and benefits.

I suggest we crash the shoreline like a wave and cuddle in our family cottage, counting cheese.  After a month or two there, we can hightail it upstate and get lost finding ourselves out in nature, eating deer meat and fish.  We gotta luxurious pad up there too.  We can listen to hoppers rub their legs together drinking cold ones out on the porch.  How’s that sound!?

Wrapping up today’s update/ love letters to thee by 5:45 AM isn’t new to me but at this rate, I’ll be striding into the endzone before I know it!

1 comment

  • Stephen Wayne Keech

    wow a lot of emotions in this one. good to get it out

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