Lost Soul,

Hi, it’s me.  I hope you “slumbered,” rested those pretty little eyes well last night.  I know I did.  I should be headed home today sometime.

I look forward to connecting and ironing out a time to catch up this week.  I have the usual AM LEG DAY, Monday and 4-hour group meeting, Tuesday afternoon to start the week.

Just brainstorming here, maybe we could make sure we made it a point to find a quiet room, sit next to each other and find some solace in stillness.
Mindfulness, flattery and breathing gently are things I’ve tried practicing on my own.  I want to elevate those experiences, whole heartedly.  Holding hands?  That would be amazing too.

“Seeing me through my shyness,” should be easy.  I talk to my counselor Wednesday this week.  I have shared a bit about you to her already via email.  I hope there’s more to share there.

At this point, all we would need to do is go with the flow.  I’ve taken care of mostly everything outside of bonding on my own already.  I got the crib, the resources, the gym right down the road…  I am not putting to horse before the cart too much am I?  I love this energy I feel addressing you!  Have a great week!


1 comment

  • Stephen Wayne Keech

    I like this post it comes from the heart and it reads that way, good job!

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