Harley, ❤️✅🤫

Hi. Good morning. It’s way too early to be awake. Please, do not let my noisy keystrokes wake you.
When you do lay your pretty little eyes on my output this morning, smile. Please. I want to know I may have triggered the grin or influenced the sparkle in your eyes to paint the reciprocating smile on my face.

Initial sweetheart “poetry” checked off my list first thing this morning takes me back. It feels good. Thanks! I slept deeply. I’m glad I didn’t delete that message from an unknown number on my phone last night! I was passed out by the time you asked about the big things I’ve been up to lately.
I’ve been trying to be mindful and not overshare my take on certain things lately. I hear you should keep your next move private.

That’s fine. You hardly need to know anything about me refilling my coffee cup up. Today, I should be hearing back from my “newly-hired” investment team. I’m telling ya toots! I am aligning success to find me these days. Boss moves, can you say it!? Putting moving swiftly on my agenda again, feels NICE!

Please do not react with distain when I up my game and start referring to you with pet names. That assumed level of comfortability adds to my output. Disclaimer of the year!

I’ve been focusing on learning to let go of what I cannot change a lot lately. Maybe that is why I heard from you. Maybe shifting my frequency and receptivity is paying off in dividends. I’ll assume the best, for once! I hope you slept well! Hopefully no bad dreams kept you up. I want to add good vibes and energy to your morning routine today.
I’ll be on my way to the gym at 08:30 this morning. My legs are still sore and beat from earlier this week. More stomach work, and tricep and calf work sounds doable.

Write me a letter today. Give me some Hope. Text me a long paragraph detailing your morning too, this morning. Keeping it short and sweet is okay by me too. I will report back to you with stats after my session. Mmm’k!? I look forward to smiling, discussing that! Include TWO or THREE pics in your text! Byyeeee!

1 comment

  • Stephen Wayne Keech

    I like this morning’s post, It has a good mix & flow to it.

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