Beautiful Butterfly – Poetry

From Cat To Dog

I’m pretty sure I like you dog, named “Bro”
I am scared.  Please see that. 
I do not think master, Pete would root us on.
I do have a lot of hesitations related to speciesism, with you being a dog and me being a cat.
I’m not even super comfortable lounging near you.  My heartrate does not match the harmonious rhythms of a moon-lit night under the stars, yet. 
I do like letters if you think us connecting on a language-level first would help.

I heard a few bulbs in the box shine brighter than you.  I’ll tell you what… just try holding my paw, connecting gazes, letting magic happen, verbalizing interests and letting hope take it’s course.
I’d love to see us running around like chickens with our heads cut off.  I’d love to not hush the heartstrings strummed.  I’d love to build you up, not afraid of lawn chairs being thrown, hammocks twisting or lawn ornaments spooking the goodness I try to employ.

I hope your eyes are open and looking.  I hope I feel safe reaching out.  I hope I know how, to do, just that!

1 comment

  • steve keech

    This is a great poem, you should publish your work. A book of your poems and inspirational quips would be a best seller and a great project for you. Your talent is awesome!!

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