Beautiful Butterfly – Poetry

I know today’s entry is not purely poetry. It’s a short and sweet line or two followed by an honest effort to clear my mind of certain negativity, more constructively.


Partner in crime,

I want to rob all the banks with you. I want to set us up for a life of leisure. I want to give those around us reason to be suspicious.   They are not on our level.  Many cry over stuff that scares them. That’s, most likely a point of vulnerability I avoid.   If I could actually identify and communicate what frightens me at the right time, maybe just maybe these embers would crackle with a bit of glow again.


Hey Beautiful Butterfly (aka no name),

“Blossom,” please know that if I ever seem impatient, numb to your feelings, or intentionally distancing myself,

I am doing my best to be respectful of your space. I would jump over the moon, and more to retrieve you wild honeysuckles  if that’s what you wanted. Please be sure to let me know what your heart wants.

I am very nervous just having feelings that are not ordained by a high priest.

My tolerance levels set me apart. Hard work does not get the respect it deserves. If I could screen applicants to seek talent, I’d have a lot of different people around me.

Slacking does not exist in my book. “Fine!  I’ll say I’m sorry for expecting actual effort from people. That drives me up a wall a bit (Wall Sits).”

I am giving myself credit right now for choosing to be mindful and put the notepad down. Have a great day world!  I look forward to seeing what you drag back to camp for dinner.

My mouth is watering craving a nice T bone steak!

I have 3 glorious hours of banging my head against the wall this morning, time to swallow a pop tart and a phone call with my mental health counselor after that.

Let’s have a great dayyy!

1 comment

  • steve keech

    This is a great poem, you should publish your work. A book of your poems and inspirational quips would be a best seller and a great project for you. Your talent is awesome!!

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