Quick PSA 01/09/2020


Please see again in today’s featured clip that I feel comfortable with my rate of output to date. Listening IS on you. I’m talking to myself in nearly ALL my clips and content.
Don’t ASSUME anything. If anything I encourage you to take notes. I’m by far one of the most successful and proactive “brain injury survivors” I know.

Doing a bit of math, you’ll figure out my methods of building myself up must be working and productive.
Producing results is the name of the game for me nowadays.

^Just last nights routine! AGAIN, I AM pumping myself up in all my output. Don’t take offense to a thing I ever state. I am a child of God and He is my role model.
Constructive criticism is encouraged. Keep that up. Thanks!

As far as I can understand things, MINDFULNESS is being able to control what you focus on. Be strong.


  • Fire Frequency 🔥 (01/10/2020)
    Yes. It is Friday. I am posting again. Thanks for understanding.
    First, today counts as day 5/5 putting my progress first. 3 days at the gym, 1 night rock climbing and 1 day concocting a batch of Shepherds Pie.

    Tomorrow should be day 4 at the gym. In tonight’s post I wanted to share those stats AND I wanted to share with newcomers that I’ve been operating at these rates and running my blog for 6+ years now. I started my site(s) right out of college in 2013.

    You will see and ought to share that on TeamIBK.com there is a link to get your own site started. That’s a free resource and highly highly encouraged.

    Make sure you are on the mailing list at KyleKeech.of course. Put your progress first and take your life, recovery and future in your control. Best of luck!

  • Honesty hurts. Facts have it that the MAIN REASON for most of today’s current turmoil is because I expressed DISTRUST ONCE. I don’t lie. Being asked if I still felt as strongly about such individuals as I once did surely may be the reason some overreacted to these matters. I held onto/ retracted my affection like I was told to. You cannot have it both ways, ma’am.

  • Associates holding me to a higher standard is gravy in my book. Telling me something then telling me the exact opposite thing in any case is not cool though. I’m referring to set protocols in certain situations.
    Point and Case:
    Telling me never to contact an associate outside of working hours then turning around and telling me “Oh, write this other associate outside of business hours if anyone” does not hold up. Consistency is everything.

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