
This week’s post is up now to proactively get ahead as much as I can.  My week has already been structured to be a busy one.  Discussions last week left ME rescheduling Tuesday’s Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Monday morning.  My CRT and I are already planning to do some cooking.

Last week I searched for some new recipes to try.  You can only cook Banana Pancakes so many times in a row!  I found a Zesty Slow Cooker Chicken Barbeque that looks really good and saved it.

Yesterday, I was so proud to realize I was making the conscious decision to visit the grocery store before I needed to.  Below is a snapshot of the list of ingredients on Allrecipes.com.  If you look, you’ll see the clip I saw that made my stomach ROAR!  😊

The clip I believe explains half-way through the 4-hour cook time, we need to break the chicken apart.  I’m happy to know planning ahead will ensure that gets done before my therapist leaves for the day.

(While I’m thinking about it too, I HAVE BEEN working on curbing my Screen-time (phone usage) and my success there alone is raising the bar on me!  Making me feel even more resilient!  BOLD!)

LEGS this week has already been scheduled for Wednesday night at 6 too!

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